
I have a Master in teaching and the Agrégation of "Sciences de la Vie, de la Terre et de l'Univers" (Life, Earth and Universe Sciences), which gives me the possibility to be a biology teacher in high school. I also got a 3-year teaching position ("Activité complémentaire d'enseignement") while doing my PhD.

Psychology lectures

2018 - 2021, KU Leuven, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Belgium:

Neuroscience lectures

2013 - 2017, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Department of Biology, France:

Cellular and molecular biology lectures

2013 - 2017, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Department of Biology, France:

2013 - 2017: University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Department of biology, France:

Life Science classes

 2012 - 2013, High School La Martinière Monplaisir, Lyon, France. 

Student supervision