Laurie-Anne Sapey-Triomphe

Postdoctoral researcher, PhD in Neurosciences

My main interest is about perception and learning in autism, which I mostly investigate using behavioral tasks and neuroimaging methods (fMRI, EEG, MRS).

I currently work in the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center in France, as a postdoctoral researcher, to conduct a project on statistical learning in autism with Prof. Dezső Németh and Prof. Barbara Tillmann.

I completed my PhD in cognitive neurosciences at the University of Lyon in France, under the supervision of Dr. Christina Schmitz and Dr. Jérémie Mattout. 

After my PhD, I moved to Belgium as a postdoctoral fellow to work in the research group of Prof. Johan Wagemans, in the Department of Brain and cognition at KU Leuven.



Selected awards

Selected publications

Recent and upcoming events

13th of June 2024: Invited speaker for the conference GNCRA, Rouen, France.

30th of May 2024: Invited speaker for the conference GRAPS, Paris, France.

16th of April 2024: Invited speaker for a seminar at the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), online.